
By admin Published on: August 16, 2022 Updated on: IP PBX Software
IP PBX System: Robust and Reliable Business Telecommunication Solution-blog-10-aug-2022

IP PBX System: Robust and Reliable Business Telecommunication Solution

Office telecommunication system plays a crucial role in driving efficiency and productivity in the workplace.  Since the pandemic, the remote work model has become the new norm for businesses. Today 97% of people want to work remotely. In this scenario, it has become imperative for employers to choose the most reliable mode for business communication. IP PBX system has come to the front row as the solution for office telecommunication. Leveraging the advanced technologies, IP PBX business phone systems not only provide voice communication but much more features.

In this blog, we will be discussing how your business can use an IP PBX phone system for telecommunication and what factors you must consider while choosing a service provider. But first, let us explore the basics of the IP PBX phone system.


What is the IP PBX system?

IP PBX business phone system refers to the telecommunication technology that utilizes Internet Protocol (IP),i.e, communication facilitated through internet connectivity.  It is usually used to establish a communication network within the organization. An IP PBX system can be installed on-premise or remotely through an IP PBX software or hosted VoIP system.

The IP PBX phone system can support remote and hybrid models when used as a hosted VoIP solution. It receives and transmits voice calls to VoIP users as well as analog telephone users within the network.


How does the IP PBX system work?

Using the IP PBX business phone system, one can receive and make calls through the internet. This process involves the conversion of analog voice signals to digital data. Once converted, the data packets are transmitted to the VoIP service provider for the management of initiation and termination of the calls.

IP PBX system uses Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) trunking to provide multiple phone lines or add multiple users. The users are given unique credentials to log into their account and call or receive calls from other users. SIP trunking also allows the users to make and receive calls from someone outside the network. SIP trunking enables users to add desktop, hardware, or softphones to the network.

The IP PBX business phone system can be utilized for both internal and external business communication. The nature of communication serves as a deciding factor whether your PBX phone system requires transmission through Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) or not.


Types of IP PBX

When upgrading from your legacy system, the most crucial choice is between an on-site IP PBX system and a cloud or Hosted IP PBX System. Here is a quick comparison so that you can make an informed decision.

On-premise IP PBX

Hosted IP PBX

Utilizes existing internal network and internet connectivity within the office premises Software-based system utilizing internet connectivity and cloud infrastructure that can be used from anywhere
Higher initial cost for setup Lower initial cost
Lower monthly cost Higher monthly cost
Supports on-premise communication Supports remote and multi-location communication

Reasons to choose IP PBX business phone system

Still in a dilemma about choosing an IP PBX system? Here are some solid reasons that can pull you out of your dilemma.

  • Saves communication costs: IP PBX phone system helps your business to save on communication, maintenance, and operational costs. Unlike traditional landlines, you do not need to pay extra for minutes on long-distance or international calls. This helps you to save on phone bills. 
  • Reduces maintenance costs: As service providers usually offer customer support, you do not need to hire an in-house IT team to maintain your IP PBX system.
  • Improves communication: The IP PBX system offers better call quality thereby cutting down guesswork in office telecommunication.  It also ensures clarity and smoother communication.
  • Aids collaboration: IP PBX comes with a lot of features such as call forwarding, conferencing, etc. to improve inter-department collaboration.
  • Business tool integration: The IP PBX system integrates third-party business tools such as CRM, Skype, etc. which helps in building a comprehensive integrated communication platform.
  • Ease of scalability: While adding a new phone line for the landline phone system involves a series of steps, you can add new users to your IP PBX business phone system in minutes. All you need to do is notify your service provider or add a new user through their online portal.


Checklist for choosing a reliable IP PBX service provider

  • Chalk out your business needs
  • Check if the provider offers the features as per your criteria
  • Compare the pricing to narrow down your list
  • Shortlist the service providers and schedule a meeting 
  • Enquire about the security measures
  • Enquire about scaling and feature adjustments
  • Check their reputation through peers and online reviews
  • Read between the lines of the service contract and sign


Some Features that you must not miss out while choosing your IP PBX system

The IP PBX business phone system comes with a plethora of features varying from provider to provider. You must make a list of features that are essential to meet your business needs. While every businests has its unique needs, here are some features of IP PBX that you must ensure your service provider offers.

  • Voice messaging/ Voice mail: It aids communication when one of the communicating parties is busy. When you have a dynamic workforce, it is worth ensuring that voice messages or voicemails are available for your employees.
  • Conferencing: It is an essential feature that aids team collaboration. When the team members can communicate through conferencing, it helps to sync team activities thereby boosting individual performance.
  • Mobility: With the rising remote work culture, it’s better to be ready with a reliable communication system that ensures mobility. Most companies are switching to a hybrid work model. Therefore, you must invest in a phone system that allows your employees to work from anywhere.
  • Analytics & Reporting: Data is fueling strategic decision-making for leading companies. Therefore, leverage this feature of IP PBX to ensure data-driven decisions for your business.


Redefining your office telecommunication system for 2022 and beyond

An obsolete business system may cost hefty to your business. If you cannot bridge the communication gaps within your organization, you fail to stay ahead of your competitors. Therefore, switch to the IP PBX business phone system to strengthen your office telecommunication system with advanced features. IP PBX business system is the first step to meeting future business communication needs. Streamline communication, enhance collaboration and opt for a resilient IP PBX service provider like HoduSoft. HoduPBX is the ideal communication solution for businesses of all sizes. Check out all the features of HoduPBX on the website.

If you have any queries or would like to know more about the HoduSoft product suite, get in touch with our sales team at sales@hodusoft.com or fill up the form here for a callback.

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