Tips To Get The Best Business Phone System
No matter you are an SMB or a company belonging to fortune 500 groups, each company needs a reliable Business Phone System because it provides the tool for communication. If you are a startup or an SMB, you might be exploring the different available options to acquire a business phone systemfor your company. If you already have a business phone system, you might like to explore other available alternatives which might be more beneficial compared to your current business phone system. This article will provide insight on this important subject by sharing the details of different types of available business phone system along with its pros and cons.
There are 3 different types of alternatives available to utilize the features of business phone system in your business, which are listed below.
- Virtual Phone system
- Traditional phone system
- VoIP Phone System
 Each of these is described below with much needed detail to aid your decision making.
 VoIP Phone System
This is one of the in trend business phone system. It uses your internet connection to provide you the communication features. Moreover, it offers many more features compared to other communication alternatives. It is also light on pockets compared to its counterparts. The only disadvantage of the VoIP Business Phone System is that it works on the internet so you have to have a good bandwidth to attain quality of service.
 If you are thinking to opt for VoIP Phone System, then there are 2 different options available for you.
 Onsite PBX
When you go for the on-site PBX, you will have the PBX and other related software and hardware on your own office premises. The benefit of this type of solution is that you will have a complete control over the system. You will eliminate all the dependencies and can make any changes you wish to in your communication system.
The disadvantage of this setup is that it requires upfront capital investment for the Onsite PBX Systemsetup. Also, you should have apt IT, or networking team which can effectively manage this system.
Hosted PBX
In this type of setup, the whole infrastructure will reside at the service provider end. The maintenance and management of the system will be performed by the VoIP service provider and you have to pay monthly charges for the same. This will let you free from any additional responsibility of managing or maintaining the system.
The disadvantage of this setup is that you are dependent on your Hosted PBX service provider. You won’t have full control of the system.
Virtual Phone System
This is also a new yet effective business phone system. Here, you will not setup the communication mechanism. In this type of setup, you will buy the number and the calls made to that number will be forwarded to the predefined mobile number. This offers a greater level of mobility and flexibility.
The disadvantage of this system is that it’s not that reliable. If your business is not working completely on remote employee model, this wouldn’t be the best fit for you. At a point you will need more scalable and reliable business phone system.
Traditional Phone System
It is a business phone system, with copper cable and traditional PBX system, which will provide the extensions in the company to run your business communication effectively. In technical terms, the business phone system with PRI and T1 lines. This system is one of the most reliable business phone system and easily available.
The disadvantage of traditional phone system is the dependency it creates on the regional phone company even if to make a minor extension change task. Moreover, the bulky hardware and messy wiring make it difficult to maintain. Also, the cost of communication is higher compared to its counterparts.